Online policy
Copy right and trademark Information
© Copyright Celestra Corporation 2009, 2010. All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with Celestra Corp.
Celestra Web site pages might contain other proprietary notices and copyright information that should be observed.
This is a current listing of United States trademarks owned by Celestra and might also be trademarks or registered trademarks in other countries. Please note that laws concerning use and marking of trademarks or product names vary by country. Always consult a local attorney for additional guidance.
Not all common law marks used by Celestra are listed on this page. Because of the large number of products marketed by Celestra, Celestra's practice is to list only the most important of its common law marks. Failure of a mark to appear on this page does not mean that Celestra does not use the mark nor does it mean that the product is not actively marketed or is not significant within its relevant market.
Those trademarks followed by ® are registered trademarks of Celestra in the United States; all others are trademarks or common law marks of Celestra in the United States.
This list is not a comprehensive list of all Celestra trademarks.
Last Updated: May, 2010
Next Update: June, 2010